(d) Councillor Finlay asked whether the Leader considered it to be appropriate for
the Deputy Leader in that capacity to make disrespectful remarks in the press about East Riding of Yorkshire residents making a legitimate protest, calling them whingers and moaners.
Councillor Parnaby replied.
(d) Councillor Finlay asked whether the Leader considered it to be appropriate for
the Deputy Leader in that capacity to make disrespectful remarks in the press about East Riding of Yorkshire residents making a legitimate protest, calling them whingers and moaners.
Councillor Parnaby replied.
I asked the question in response to complaints from ERYC residents to a
letter written by Cllr Owen to the Bridlington Free Press.
I have not agreed or disagreed with the aims of the Justice for Bridlington
Group but as their elected Ward Councillor I have to listen to what they have
to say.The question was a procedural/policy one in relation to the use of the Deputy Leader’s position when making statements to the Press. This was not about the rights and wrongs of an argument. Obviously every Ward Councillor has a right to voice their views but only in that capacity. Every Ward Councillor also has a duty to treat their residents with respect.
We have a Constitution which states:
1.01 Powers of the Council
Council will exercise all its powers and duties in accordance with the law and
1.02 The Constitution
Constitution, and all its appendices, is the Constitution of East Riding of
The purpose of the Constitution is to:-
enable the
Council to provide clear leadership to the community in partnership with
businesses and other organisations;
support the active
involvement of citizens in the process of local authority decisionmaking;
help Councillors
represent their constituents more effectively;
enable decisions
to be taken efficiently and effectively;
create a powerful
and effective means of holding decision-makers to public account;
ensure that no
one will review or scrutinise a decision in which they were directly
ensure that those
responsible for decision making are clearly identifiable to local people
and that
they explain the reasons for decisions, and
provide a means of improving the delivery of
services to the community.
Link to Constitution
I did not mention the Justice for Brid Group in my question but the
terminology used when referring to our residents who were trying to be actively
involved in the process of local authority decision making as stated in the
I have also asked the question why we do not put in the Minutes what the
reply was. In this day of technology a
transcript would be easy to do and would enable residents who are unable to
attend Full Council due to the distance to travel and work commitments a chance
to read or hear the reply.
We have to remember as a Council that it is council tax payers that help
fund the services we offer. One of those
services is the elected representatives who are there to do just that. We are not
there to score petty political points as was suggested or make personal attacks
on people that question the decisions that are made.
The Leader made personal attacks on the Labour Group indicating that we don’t turn up or contribute anything
of purpose. A Labour member has sat on
every Review Panel over the last two years and I have sat on the following:
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What is the process of a review
chairman and other review panel members are appointed who direct the course of
the review and determine how the topic will be scrutinised. Review panels are
supported by an overview and scrutiny officer who carries out research on
behalf of the group and drafts the final report. Other council officers and
where relevant, external bodies, are also involved in the process, providing
information as and when required.
At the end of the review, the review panel will produce a draft report setting out its recommendations. This report goes forward to the relevant overview and scrutiny sub-committee and then to the Overview Management Committee who will comment on the recommendations. Following this, the report is then received by the Cabinet before then being discussed by the full Council.
At the end of the review, the review panel will produce a draft report setting out its recommendations. This report goes forward to the relevant overview and scrutiny sub-committee and then to the Overview Management Committee who will comment on the recommendations. Following this, the report is then received by the Cabinet before then being discussed by the full Council.
A Labour member sits on all the Committees including Planning Committees,
Licensing Committees, hearings etc. We play an active part in all Council
business despite having only 6 members to 53 Conservatives.
On the same note I did not have a right to reply to the over 10 minutes
answer but could have asked a supplementary question based on the answer given. I did not ask a supplementary question as
I decided not to give the Leader another platform to continue in the vein he
had taken.
Echoing the opening statement by Cllr Parnaby in his reply, I too will defend the right of my residents to have their say, as he defends his Deputy Leader. Oh and he might find that the original quote (rightly or wrongly) is commonly attributed to Voltaire not a US President.
The reply - sort of:

The reply - sort of: