Fair Transitional State Pension Arrangements
Group Member, Cllr Shelagh Finlay, moved the following Motion to Full Council
today (12 October), seconded by Cllr Keith Moore.
“That this Council calls upon the Government to make fair transitional
state pension arrangements for all women born on, or after, 6 April 1951, who
have unfairly borne the burden of the increase to the State Pension Age (SPA)
with lack of appropriate notification.”
following Amendment was submitted by Cllr Parnaby and was voted on, and passed,
by Full Council with the exception of the words ‘or influence’ which was
removed at Cllr Finlay’s request.
“That this Council, whilst recognising
it has no control or influence over
national government policy on state pensions, has sympathy with those affected
by any increase to the State Pension Age and encourages members either
individually, through political groups, local MPs or national contacts to raise
any issues of unfairness they may have in regard to the State Pension Age
Full Council, over 25 WASPIs from around the region came to offer their support
and were pleased that Members of East Riding of Yorkshire Council were prompted
to raise issues of unfairness.
For further information
please contact:
Shelagh Finlay - 01262
12 October 2016